What sketching is how it helps you build better things & three techniques that you start using now.
Founder of Lyst.
Working on Dex.io.
Did that YC thing once.
These techniques have helped me build better things
Anthing that rapidly communicates an idea.
Often visually
Quickly & legibly
How do we make awesome shit?
Personas are sketches of your customers.
A fictional character who represents the audience you are designing for.
Make them up & update them as you learn.
User Stories put you in your audiences' shoes.
User Stories are sketches of what you think your customers do.
“We need to add a 'save for later' button... so users can save things for later”
Don't define solutions.
Define problems that need solutions.
“As a customer
I want some desire
so that I get some benefit.”
“As a shopper
I want to save things
so that so that I can purchase them later.”
These stories can form the foundation of your product.
A handful of user stories can decribe an entire functional spec!
User Sketching exposes how people user your stuff
Make people draw your experience.
Get your paper ready.
Draw an amazon.com product page for the Kindle Fire.
Identify meaningful objects.
Make histograms!
Reverse Click Testing.
These sketches are like pokemon.
Gotta catch them all!
They only need to have used your product once.
What is being used?
What is being missed?
Rework your experience to match the histogram.
Or emphasize the amazing things people are missing.
Our job is to create experiences.